Saturday, January 21, 2012

Boredom? Wanderlust? What can it be?

Bored. Bored. Bored. I am bored. So so so so, sooooooo sooooooo BORED.

With what, you may ask? Well, um, hm. Let's see...EVERYTHING!!!!!!

(Well...Let me explain).

I have always been a person that gets bored very easily. I am a do-er. I enjoy doing things, I enjoy being busy, I enjoy going places, I enjoy the feeling of "doing." All my life I've been this way, but most recently (as in, the past three months) I have had this continuous, over-whelming feeling of boredom ALONG with the need to travel. When combined, they seem to equate into something very odd. Wanderlust.

Wanderlust (Definition): A very strong impulse to travel. Yes, my friends, I have been itching to travel again. To go places! Do things! Ahh! I even get crazy thinking about it. Ever since YWAM, I have been content with just packing my bags, getting on a plane, and leaving. But about three weeks ago when I made the choice to go ahead and stay where I was instead of getting the heck out of here, I've felt slightly off. I am itching to go out into the world once again, to get out there and to start what God has in store for me. But, my problem is, I am ready to go like, right this minute. And the thing is, God seems to be thinking a little differently right now. Remember my last blog, when I talked about my need for patience? Well...yeah. I have a feeling that that is exactly what I need to be learning right now. How to stay put, sit quietly, and wait on the Lord. Maybe then I will be ready to hear (and act upon) exactly what He has in store for me! And that should slowly cure my need to get OUTTA HERE! Then again, saying all of this is a little too easy, but doing it couldn't be harder.

I am also always in need of the reminder that a life with God should never, ever be boring! By just being in his presence and spending my days solely with him, I have already found the cure for my case boredom without even realizing it. While this is also easier said than done most of the time, I have now created a small list of things to do for myself and for God in these next couple of months, and will begin my newly inspired "Me & God" journey! My small list consists of simple things such as spending time in my journal and bible when I am alone, keeping God in all of my daily activities, and beginning some of my new-found passions (like photography)!

And it seems that I have written enough thus far--so I will update you all again soon!

Love love love,

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