Monday, July 18, 2011

This won't happen very often.

Hello everyone,

Just thought i would blog and update again, seeing as in the next few days I guarantee that I will not have even five minutes to spare towards free time.
        So, the staff members are finally getting up to the point where they know the outreach options...which means only THREE MORE DAYS until we all find out where we are going on outreach! I am so excited, yet anxious and nervous to find out where God wants to send me. But more news on that later!

Anyways, as all of Facebook (and probably you) know, The "honeymoon phase"- as the other more experienced YWAMer's call it - is most certainly over, and now reality has hit the fan. As in, things are really beginning to make more sense now. Ohhhh yes, so much more sense.
For example,
If you had asked me within the first week of being here, "Is being here in Texas a major culture-shock for you?" With confusion, (because in all seriousness, I didn't really understand the concept of this so-called, "culture shock" that was going on...) I would reply, "Not really. Besides the heat, it hasn't been too bad."
But if you had the guts to ask me that very question now, I would first glare with extreme annoyance, and follow with something along the lines of, "The food sucks, I'm getting fatter, it's way too hot, there are bugs everywhere, my bedroom is the size of a closet, half of my dorm speaks a different language, and I WANT MY OWN BED BACK!" ...So, yes. I am now aware (and a victim) of "culture shock." And I am here to report that this is not always going to be easy.

But- not to worry! My suck-ish and quite all-of-the-sudden "culture shock" is definitely not putting a dent in my experience here at YWAM. So many different things have been happening lately- I literally have to write down all of what I want to tell you guys so I'm able to remember everything! But one thing that God has really blessed me with during these past few weeks are all of the new friendships I've made here on base. What's random and kind of funny? The first three girls I became close to are named Kristen, Katherine, and Kayce. We all laughed when we introduced ourselves to each other. Imagine how the class speaker's feel when all four of us are sitting next to each other and they have to try and memorize our names! So we have now become "the four K's." And in that same week, I also met and became very close to a girl named Lauren, and two guys, Jesse and Nathan. We all hang out and for fun on the weekends, go to Dairy Queen for ice cream and then tour Wal-mart (as if we haven't all been there before). But as weird as that sounds, it's still tons of fun! Getting to know all of these people who are in the same exact boat as me, have the same passion and love for God, and all have amazing personalities has been quite an experience. I look forward to growing closer to them in these next four months! And- since you probably have no clue who any of these people are, I have been posting pictures on Facebook to update you, so take a look at them! I'm positive that I will be putting more pictures soon as well :) (and even though these people have been the ones I have gotten the closest to, I have been growing closer to my entire DTS team these past three weeks too. We are already a really strong, close-knit group, and I am so excited to be learning and experiencing new things with these amazing people!)

Wellllll......time to go and finish a couple of letters and make some phone calls home. I'll write again soon!

Love you and miss you,

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